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Zdeňka Fusková

* 3. 7. 1994, Ostrava, Czech Republic

I am a glass artist.

My long-term theme is landscape. Through my work, I examine the influence of man on places that are somehow bound with me.



2013 - 2018  

Glass Design - doc. MgA. Petr Stanický M.F.A., Tomas Bata University, Zlin, Czech Republic

2009 - 2013  

Glass Design, Graduation, Secondary Glass School, Valašské Meziříčí, Czech Republic




The large crack, GASK – the Gallery of the Central Bohemian Region, Kutná Hora, Czech Republic  

Stone and Tree, Vysočina Regional Gallery, Jihlava, Czech Republic

The path of matter and space, Gallery Sýpka, Valašské Meziříčí, Czech Republic


Light space material, National Technical Museum, Prague, Czech Republic

Stanislav Libenský Award, Dox - Center for Contemporary Art, Prague, Czech Republic

Young & Loving!, S12 Open Access Studio and Gallery, Bergen, Norway

Made in Valmez, Glass art centre, Sázava, Czech Republic

Diplomas 2018, Zlín Castle o.p.s., Zlín, Czech Republic

At Dawn, building 94, Svit, Zlin, Czech Republic

Illusion of Design, House of Arts, Ústí nad Labem, Czech Republic


New G(o)ods!,  The Moravian Gallery in Brno - Governor's Palace, Czech Republic

A.TO.MY, Gallery N, Jablonec nad Nisou, Czech Republic

BoBiennale, Gallery Rottstr5 - Kunsthallen, Bochum, Germany

Young Glass, Glassmuseet, Ebeltoft, Denmark

Exit, Gallery Sýpka, Valašské Meziříčí, Czech Republic

Junior Glass Ways, Glass art centre, Sázava, Czech Republic


Designblok- Design and Fashion Week, Art House Lapidary, Prague, Czech Republic

FASHIONCLASH festival, Maastricht, The Netherlands

Junge Designscene, Motorenhalle, Dresden, Germany


New G(o)ods!, ABF Foundation, Prague, Czech Republic / Gallery Satelit, Bratislava, Slovakia  / Institute of Design, Kielce, Poland / Czech Centre, Vienna, Austria

Fragil, Glass Art Museum MAVA, Alcorcón, Spain

Glass paradigm, Glass art centre, Huť František, Sázava, Czech Republic

New approaches, Art Academy, Riga, Latvia

Another view, Regional Art Gallery, Zlín, Czech Republic

Funeral Design,group show, Gallery Czechdesign, Prague

International Glass Prize, Glazen Huis, Lommel, Belgium

Junior Glass Match, Sanssouci, Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic

Another view, Gallery Sýpka, Valašské Meziříčí, Czech Republic


A.TO.MY, Gallery N, Jablonec nad Nisou, Czech Republic

Magical Effects, Gallery Bernard Bolzano, Techobuz, Czech Republic

Victor’s Flat, Max32, Zlin, Czech Republic

About Layabouts, Ventura Lambrate, Milan, Italy/ Motorenhalle, Dresden, Germany, / Vernon Gallery and the House of the minute, Prague



2017 Junior Glass ways – 1st place

2016 Design Talent – 2nd place in the category Art design

2015 The National Student Design Award - Price of Excellent Student Design + Price of Director of Museum of Decorative Arts in Prague + Price of Journalists



2018 IGS - XIII. International Glass Symposium, Nový Bor, Czech Republic

2017 International Student Glass Symposium, SOŠ, Lednické Rovne, Slovakia

2017 Inside - Outside, Akademia Sztuk Pięknych, Wroclaw, Poland

2016 GSVM, Secondary Glass School, Valašské Meziříčí, Czech Republic



2018 S12 Open Access Studio and Gallery, Bergen, Norway

2018 AJETO - Ajetoglass, Nový Bor, Czech Republic



2018  Czech Glass - Sylva Petrová

2016  Figurama - Catalog 2016

2015  Neues Glas - New Glass: art & architecture 2/2015



Glass Museum, Nový Bor, Czech Republic

Glassmuseet, Ebeltoft, Denmark

Museum of  Decorative Arts, Prague, Czech Republic

Source/Zdroj: Zdeňka Fusková web